
嶽 まずは、アイスブレイクとして…(笑)齊藤さんは、最近ハマっていることとか、休日の過ごし方とかはありますか?
齊藤 時々時間を作って、海釣りをして美味しく食べることですかね。夢中になると、24時間釣りをしていることもありました(笑)最近は、ルアー釣りも始めて、大型の青物を釣り上げることが目標です。
嶽 24時間、、、すごい集中力!(笑)海の解放感と潮風を感じる休日、いいですね~

嶽 では、早速ですが本題に…齊藤さんが医療という分野に興味を持ったきっかけを教えてもらえると嬉しいです。
齊藤 私は幼少期に小児喘息を持っていて、薬を手放すことができませんでした。運動や冷たい空気、動物、布団の埃によって喘息発作が出て、自宅の薬や吸入だけではどうにもならず、入院することもありました。幼少期は、いつも自分自身のそばに「病気」という現実が寄り添っていました。そして、病気と闘ううちに、次第に「医療」に興味が出てきました。
嶽 幼少期は病気で大変だったんですね。幼少期を過ぎたころからは、齊藤さんの病気との付き合いはどのように変わっていきましたか?
齊藤 中学生になった頃からは喘息発作もでなくなりました。幸運にも普通の生活が送れるようになったのです!もう、運動しても寝転んでも遊んでも喘息発作が出ない!こんなに嬉しいことは無いと感じました。そして、幼少期にあまり運動できなかった反動で、バレーボールに明け暮れました。高校生の時まであまりに夢中だったため、進路の検討もしていなければ、勉強も全然していませんでした。それで、いよいよ進路を決めなければならない時期になって、途方にくれました(笑)
嶽 熱中するあまりに他に何も見えなくなる時期ってありますよね(笑)それで、進路はどうやって決めたんですか?
齊藤 たまたま、「そうだ、医療に興味をもっていたんだ」ということを思い出したため、お医者さんをやっている親戚に相談することにしました。あまり勉強をしていなかったので、今から医学部を受けるのは難しい。けど、医療に携わるひとは医師だけではありません。医療従事者には様々な専門職があることを親戚の医師から教えてもらい、看護師という選択肢を提示してもらったことをきっかけに、看護師になることを決めました。
嶽 それで看護学科に進学したと。大学生の時に興味があることは何でしたか?
齊藤 大学に進んでからは、医療を学ぶ一方で、他学部からの刺激を受けてモノや活動を事業化させることの重要性や面白さを知るようになりました。大学4回生のときに学長奨励賞を授与された介護系のボランティア活動では、先輩含め数名で、一人ひとりの活動に対する対価を行政から受ける仕組みや、リスクマネジメントの一環として定期勉強会の開催等のスキームを形成し、継続させていきました。これらの経験があり、医療はもちろんのこと、事業化についても強く関心を抱くようになりました。
嶽 看護師を目指すだけでなく、ビジネスにも興味があったんですね!実際に看護師として働いていた時のことを教えてもらえますか?
齊藤 卒業後は、最先端の医療が提供されている大学病院で看護師として働くことを決め、大学時代に苦手意識を持っていた循環器を志望しました。循環器内科・心臓血管外科3年、脳神経外科2年の経験を経て、看護師が行うケアなどのサービスの効果測定や評価基準が不十分だと感じて、研究の道へ進みました。研究の関心は、心疾患の効果的な増悪予防管理で、修士課程では、医学研究の方法論、疫学的分析手法、理論等を学び、心不全患者の効果的なセルフケアに関する研究を行いました。大学では苦手分野であった循環器分野が、現在では私の専門になっています。
嶽 苦手だった循環器が、今では専門領域というのは面白いですね。大学生のころから興味があったビジネスについては、看護師になってからはどのように勉強したんですか?
齊藤 卒業後は、京都大学の修士課程に在籍していた時に、研究成果がどのように事業化するかに関心があったため、同大学の特別プログラムである、医療ヘルスケア・イノベーション起業家人材育成プログラム(HiDEP)に参加して、医療機器開発に必要な基本的知識や思考、方法論を学び、事業計画立案までを経験しました。

嶽 次は、AMIとの出会いについて教えてもらいたいです。具体的には・・・代表の小川とは接点があったんでしょうか?
齊藤 AMIとの出会いは、先に話したHiDEPがきっかけでした。というのも、代表の小川はこのプログラムに、メンターとして参加していたからです。小川はHiDEPで講義をもっていて、その内容は超聴診器の開発に関することでした。超聴診器は心疾患の自動診断アシスト機能を搭載した聴診器ですが、小川が解決したい課題が私の研究課題と類似していたこともあり、とても興味を持ちました。HiDEPのプログラム中に小川と仲良くなった、なんてことは特に取り立てては無かったんですが(笑)HiDEPが終了してから数ヶ月後に小川から連絡があり、何故かAMIへ見学に行くことになりました。
嶽 突然連絡があったんですか(笑) 小川さんはそういう人なんですね(笑)
嶽 AMIに見学に行くときに考えていたことと、見学が終わっての感想はどのようなものでしたか?
齊藤 最初は研究者目線で見学のことを考えていました。私の研究課題の解決の糸口になればと思って話を聞いていましたが、小川の開発にかける熱意がすさまじく、次第に超聴診器という医療機器の魅力に惹かれていました。また、見学に行ったときには超聴診器の開発だけでなく、遠隔医療サービスの社会実装を目指していることを聞き、そのサービスの実証を手伝うという機会がありました。見学が終わってからの感想は、AMIが開発している超聴診器が面白いデバイスということ以上に、事業としてスケールの大きさを感じました。それは、マクロの視点で医療にイノベーションを起こそうとする、会社としてのビジョンを小川がシェアしてくれたからだと思います。

嶽 その後、AMIにジョインしてからはいかがでしょうか?
齊藤 ベンチャー企業ならではの、研究開発をひとつずつ組み立てて進んでいくことや、スピード感が楽しいです。また、医療機器の開発は社会貢献度が高いことと、通常の機器開発に比べて乗り越えるべき壁が多いので、やりがいがあります。特に私の場合は、解決したい課題感が類似しているため、能力を伸ばしたいという、モチベーションにもつながっています。現在私が行っている仕事の中心は、超聴診器の薬事申請に向けて実施する多施設共同臨床研究の組み立てです。臨床研究に関する規定だけでなく、医療機器承認申請や診療報酬制度、知財戦略等を考慮して組み立てることは、非常に難しいからこそ、楽しいと感じています。このような仕事は、すぐに経験できるものではないので、ベンチャー企業ならではの経験だと思います。
嶽 とても良い経験ができてるってことですね!最後に齊藤さんはAMIで成し遂げたいことを教えてください。
嶽 ありがとうございます!これから素敵な仲間と共に、AMIが更にパワーアップしてくことが私も楽しみです!
From a nurse at a university hospital to a director of a venture company! We will uncover the story of our CRO (Chief Research Officer) Mr. Saito!

AMI Inc. is a venture company that is developing a medical device called the “Super Stethoscope”.
Today, we interviewed Mr. Shunpei Saito (third from the right) who was appointed as AMI’s director and CRO. We talked about what’s interesting and what’s attractive about his work, the reason he joined AMI, and what his goals for the future are.
Mrs. Dake First of all, as an ice breaker. Mr. Saito, are you into anything these days? What do you do in your free time?
Mr. Saito I make time to go fishing and enjoy eating what I catch. When I start fishing, I sometimes get into it so much that I spend a whole day just fishing! Recently, I have started lure fishing and my goal is to catch large blue fish.
Mrs. Dake Fishing for a whole day, great concentration! That sounds like a good holiday, feeling the sea breeze..

Mrs. Dake Now, let’s start with the main subject. Can you tell us how you became interested in the field of medicine?
Mr. Saito As a child, I had asthma and could not live without my medicine. I had an asthma attack everytime I did some exercise, was exposed to cold air, was around animals, and inhaled dust.. Sometimes it could not be helped by just taking my medicine or asthma puffer at home, and I was hospitalized. In my childhood, “illness” was always a big part of my daily life. Then, while fighting against illness, I gradually became interested in “medical care”.
Mrs. Dake You must have had a tough time. How did your approach against illness change as you grew up?
Mr. Saito When I became a junior high school student, I no longer had asthma attacks. Fortunately, I was able to live a normal life! No more asthma attacks when I exercised, lay down or played! I felt like that was the best thing that ever happened to me. Then, as a reaction of not being able to exercise much in my childhood, I spent all my time playing volleyball. I was so focused on it until the end of my high school days, that I didn’t study at all or even consider my career. So, when it was finally time to decide I was completely lost.
Mrs. Dake There are times when you get so enthusiastic about something that you cannot see anything else. So, how did you decide your career?
Mr. Saito I happened to remember that I was interested in medical care, so I decided to talk to a relative who was a doctor. Since I was not studying so much, it was difficult to get into medical school at that time. However, doctors are not the only people involved in medical care. I decided to become a nurse because I was told that medical professionals have various professions, and I was given that option.
Mrs. Dake So you entered the nursing department. What were you interested in when you were a college student?
Mr. Saito After entering university, while learning medical science, I became aware of the importance of commercializing things and activities of other faculties. I was awarded the Presidential Encouragement Award when I was in the 4th year for nursing-related volunteer activities that people including seniors received compensation from the government for each activity and held regular study sessions as part of risk management. We formed a scheme and continued it. With these experiences, I became strongly interested in commercialization as well as medical care.
Mrs. Dake Not only did you want to be a nurse, but you were also interested in business! Can you tell me about when you were working as a nurse?
Mr. Saito After graduating, I decided to work as a nurse at a university hospital that provides cutting-edge medical care, and aspired for the cardiology department that I had struggled at in university. After 3 years of working in cardiology and cardiovascular surgery and 2 years in neurosurgery, I felt that the effective measurement and evaluation criteria of services such as care provided by nurses were insufficient. So I proceeded on the path of research. My research interest was in effective exacerbation and prevention management of heart disease. In the master’s program, I studied methodologies of medical research, epidemiological analysis methods, theory, etc., and conducted research on effective self-care for patients with heart failure. The cardiology field, which was my weakness at university, is now my specialty.
Mrs. Dake It is interesting that the cardiology, which was your weakpoint is now your specialty field. How did you learn about business after becoming a nurse?
Mr. Saito After graduating, while I was enrolled in the master’s program at Kyoto University, I was interested in how research results would be commercialized. I participated in HiDEP (Healthcare Innovation Design Entrepreneurship Program) and learned the basic knowledge, thoughts and methodologies necessary for medical device development, and experienced business planning.

Mrs. Dake Next, we would like to know about your encounter with AMI. Did you have any contact with our CEO, Mr. Ogawa?
Mr. Saito My encounter with AMI was at HiDEP, which I mentioned earlier. Mr. Ogawa was participating in this program as a mentor. He gave a lecture at HiDEP, and the content was about the development of “Super Stethoscope”. This is a stethoscope with an automatic diagnosis assist function for heart disease. And I was very interested because he wanted to solve a problem similar to my research topic. I didn’t make any particular contact with him during the HiDEP program, but a few months later, I was contacted by him and for some reason I decided to visit AMI.
Mrs. Dake He got in touch with you so suddenly! That sounds very much like Mr. Ogawa! What were your thoughts when you visited AMI and what were your impressions after that?
Mr. Saito At first, I was visiting from a researcher’s perspective. I was listening to him with hope that it would be a clue to the solution of my research problem, but I was overwhelmed by his enthusiasm for development and was gradually attracted to the medical device “Super Stethoscope”. Also, when I went on the tour, I heard that they were aiming not only for the development of the device but also for the social implementation of telemedicine services. I actually had the opportunity to help demonstrate that service. After the tour, my impression was that the device developed by AMI is more than just a device. I think I felt that way because Mr. Ogawa shared the company’s vision of innovating medical care from a macro perspective.

Mrs. Dake Then how about after joining AMI?
Mr. Saito As a member of a venture company, I enjoy assembling and advancing research and development one step at a time, and the speed. Also, the development of a medical device is highly rewarding because it has a high social contribution and there are many obstacles to overcome compared to normal device development. Especially in my case, the sense of challenges I want to solve is similar, which leads to motivation to improve my ability. The focus of my current work is assembling a multicenter clinical study for pharmaceutical application for the Super Stethoscope. I feel that it is interesting because it is extremely difficult to assemble in consideration of not only the regulations concerning clinical research, but also medical device approval applications, medical fee systems, intellectual property strategies, etc. This kind of work is not something I can immediately experience, so I think it is a unique experience of a venture company.
Mrs. Dake You seem to be having a very good experience here at AMI! Finally, Mr. Saito, please tell us what you want to achieve in AMI.
Mr. Saito
In order to continue to realize rapid medical innovation, AMI will promote not only the currently developing super stethoscope but also applied technology and related medical device development. Medicine has evolved based on many scientific technologies. I believe that applying the latest science and technology to the maximum extent and promoting development will be the key to continuing innovation in medicine, and I would like to achieve this at AMI.
AMI still needs engineers who can use the latest science and technology. We would like to increase these kinds of team mates and work hard to contribute to the construction of new medical treatments in the future.
Mrs. Dake Thank you! I’m looking forward to AMI becoming more powerful with wonderful experts!
AMI Inc. is recruiting for new members.
Link below for a casual online interview.